When you are buying a lot that is for sale, you are probably more concerned with the location and the price rather than serious details. However, the grading of the lot is very important and shouldn’t be ignored if you are interested in trying to make as much money as possible on the lot. Here is why.
Grading Is an Important Part of the Lot
Few people who are looking at a lot really pay attention to the slope of the grading, but this is one of the most important aspects of buying a lot. Read More»
When you are in search of a new home, you may find yourself looking at house after house and having trouble deciding which one is the house that you are going to transform into a home for you and your family. Picking out a new house can be a challenge, from scouring through house listings to going to showings and trying to imagine what your life could look like in that house. Read More»
If you’ve been living in an apartment your whole life, you might be really itching to finally get off on your own and buy a house. However, owning a home comes with a lot of additional responsibility. In some cases, you might be better off taking a smaller leap forward: moving from your apartment to a rented house rather than actually purchasing your own house. You’ll have the same amount of space, but in many ways, you’ll actually have more freedom than if you were to buy a house. Read More»
If you are in the process of purchasing your first home, it can be highly overwhelming. For this reason, it’s important that you take the time to avoid some of the common mistakes first time home buyers make. After all, when you purchase your first home, you want it to be something that you don’t regret soon after. One mistake that first time home buyers make is not making certain considerations when looking at homes for sale. Read More»
Living on the water, whether it’s lakefront or beach adjacent, is a dream for many home buyers. These homes are sought after throughout many parts of the country and often sell at a premium. Purchasing a waterfront property is a big investment and requires a great deal of forethought. Nationally waterfront homes will cost an average of double what regular homes will cost in the same area. Before investing in waterfront homes, here are three things that should be considered carefully. Read More»
As a property manager, your main goal is to ensure that the tenants remain happy, pay their rent on time, and do not leave. This can be tough when you are competing against so many other great properties on the market. Unfortunately, one survey found that while 74% of tenants really like their rental, 54% of them are likely to move out next year. With over half saying they plan on moving, this makes the process of retaining tenants even harder. Read More»
If you are planning to buy a new farm, you may already be thinking about the fun Halloween party you can have in all that space. Once you find the perfect farm, below are some tips on how you make the Halloween party fund and safe for everyone.
Fire Safety
If you are planning to have a bonfire to use for things like cooking hot dogs and roasting marshmallows for s’mores, you need to plan for fire safety. Read More»
If you are interested in purchasing a small apartment complex, the following suggestions may help you acquire loyal tenants and prevent yourself from being inconvenienced by equipment malfunctioning or items being stolen from the property or inside one of the units that you purchase.
Emergency Property Maintenance
Hire an individual who provides emergency property maintenance services. Give the professional a company phone once they are hired and notify new tenants of their number so that they can contact them directly if needed. Read More»
Real estate agents are a breed apart. They are similar to car sales people, but they have to sell bigger, more expensive items. Whether you need a real estate agent or you are just thinking about becoming one, here the five qualities or traits that exist in the best real estate agents.
When your paycheck depends almost entirely on commission and the sales you make, you best have a lot of tenacity. Read More»
It is not at all uncommon for couples to invest in a home early in their marriage well before their family unit is done growing. Too many times, young couples who have not yet had all the children they plan to invest in a home only to find out later that it is too small or does not fit their needs any longer because their family size has changed. If you are planning to buy a home now and you are pretty positive the size of your family will change in the coming years, there are a few things you should be looking for in a home. Read More»