Paperwork Problems: Understanding Home Purchase Forms

Traveling Extensively For Business? Here's How To Cut Costs On Accommodations

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If you have to travel for business and have to stay in other cities for extended lengths of time, you have probably noticed that the cost of accommodations can really add up. If you’re looking to save your company money, you should know that there are a few different options that can allow you to cut costs. Try one of these tips, and you can stay for business without having to pay for a pricey hotel each night. Read More»

How To Tell If Your Attic Needs More Insulation

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Adding new insulation to your attic is one of the least expensive things you can do to increase your home’s fuel efficiency. Just that one extra layer can reduce your heating and cooling bills by up to 20 percent, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA.)  Making sure that you have adequate insulation also reduces condensation and helps prevent termites from setting up housekeeping in your home.  Signs that you need an extra layer of attic insulation Read More»

Ridding Your Home Of Ants

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In the springtime, ants will start to surface outdoors once again. After hibernating all winter long, they will be hungry and ready to invade any area that seems like it has a readily accessible snack. If you notice ants coming inside your own home, you will want to be diligent in getting rid of them before they multiply, making them more difficult to battle. Here are some ways to remove ants from the home and a few ways to deter them from wanting to come inside in the first place. Read More»

How To Prepare Your Electronics For Moving

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When you’re moving to a new home, there are many things to consider. While boxes of clothes and books are important, the most expensive and fragile things you have in your home are probably your electronic devices. Most homes these days are packed full of desktop computers, video game systems, computer tablets, televisions and stereo equipment. All of these devices are very pricey and easily damaged. This is why it’s so important to ensure that you carefully prepare when you’re relocating electronic equipment, even if you use a moving company. Read More»

The Many Pros Of Property Management

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If you’re a landlord or rent out property, it can be time consuming and costly. Utilizing a property management company can help to make the rental process much easier for you, your tenants, and even the neighbors. There are plenty of great benefits to using a property management service and the fees are typically between five and ten percent of the rent the tenant pays each month. This fee is small compared to the peace of mind and assistance you will receive by using their services. Read More»